Hiring Summer Interns? How To Create A Successful Internship Program

hiring summer interns South Jordan

An ongoing internship program can be an indispensable talent acquisition tool. You can meet the brightest potential future employees. Managers can improve training skills as they mentor the interns. Plus, you can be an educational resource for college students in your community.

How Do You Create An Internship Program?

An internship should structured. A good program identifies specific educational goals. The term of employment usually lasts three months. It may be part-time or full-time. You often hear the term ‘summer intern,’ but don’t limit your program to the summer months. Not all students have a traditional college schedule. It may work best for your company to have a program during the spring or fall.

An intern should be carefully supervised and mentored. An internship should teach practical skills. Plus, it should help the students develop soft skills and a good work ethic. 

Determine which departments would benefit the most (for both your organization and the interns). What teams will they join? What is the timetable for their assignments?

Choose current projects. Let them own some of the sub-tasks. Don’t make the interns do menial work. A few minutes doing filing here and there is okay. But ensure that more than 80 percent of the intern’s time is performing the actual job role. An intern isn’t a temp or volunteer.

Choose Intern Supervisors Carefully

Choose a supervisor(s) for the interns. And carefully coordinate with them to design the curriculum and timeline. It’s also a good idea to have additional people judge the interns’ performance.

Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internships have strict compliance requirements. Pay your interns to be safe. Besides, unpaid internships don’t attract many applicants.

Identify Colleges and Register

Research the colleges and universities in your location. Contact them for the application requirements. They also have beneficial resources to help you create your program.

Job Descriptions

Just like traditional job advertisements, you need a punchy, yet comprehensive description. First, list the number of months and weekly schedule. Be specific and thorough.

Advertise Your Intern Positions

The college will have platforms for advertising the position. Use your favorite job boards and careers website too.

SwipeClock Products For Internship Programs

ApplicantStack Recruit and Onboard can help you create and manage a successful internship program. 

  1. Create job descriptions for intern positions
  2. Automate job applicant scoring for interns
  3. Let intern applicants self-schedule interviews
  4. Track intern applicants in a central location
  5. Share review notes with your intern hiring team
  6. Post to multiple job boards with a single sign-on
  7. Create a structured intern onboarding

To compete for exceptional interns, compose a modern, mobile-friendly intern application process. Manual processes make your business look like a dinosaur stuck in the past. College students were born in the digital age.


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